Recent Meeting Minutes

Cloud Peak Radio & Electronics Group

Minutes of Meeting, June 4, 2024

Meeting commenced at 6.30 pm at Perkins. President Justin Carlson, KZ7A, opened the meeting.

Those present: Grace Carlson (KJ7IEF), Justin Carlson (KZ7A), Aron Whiting (KI7UPR), Marge Carter (WA1VLF), Ryan Cury (WY7RDC), Samantha Robason (KK7OLD), Troy Robason (K0TDR), Harry Pollak, John Lundberg (KG7KZK), Kathy Lundberg, and Jesse Luditchuize. Paul Caldara (K7SHR) attended via zoom.

Justin, KZ7A, laid out the agenda for this meeting:
* Normal Business

*Field Day

*Camporee Exercise

Old Business:

The secretary did not attend and the meeting minutes were not read.

Treasurer’s Report
John, KG7KZK, reported: $$$

The repeater was hard to hear during the last net.

Ryan (WY7RDC) volunteered for the first two weeks of June. John (KZ7KZK) volunteered for the last two weeks of June.

The net in July would be run by whoever picked it up first.

New Business:

Camporee Exercise

Jesse Luditchuize reported a full exercise to be conducted this Friday 6-7-2024 between 8AM and 4PM, for the upcoming Camporee event.  More help is needed.  Plan to dress up as injured attendees.
Still waiting for their radio guy to help address issues before more training on the portable repeater equipment.

Field Day

Field day June 22nd and 23rd will be held at K0TDR’s place at 5653 Big Horn Ave. K0TDR will bring his POTA station, K7SHR will bring his portable station, KJ6PCW may bring his station, and WY7RDC may be able to help with digital equipment. $100 has been authorized for hamburgers, hotdogs, and buns. Everyone else encouraged to bring a side dish or desert to share


Upcoming events to consider participating in:
3rd Thursday
Car Show July 5th – K0TDR plans to have his rig there
Next meeting is July 2nd.  Seems to work for everyone, so no change.

Meeting adjourned ?????

Minutes of Meeting, May 07, 2024

Meeting commenced at 6.30 pm at Perkins. President Justin Carlson, KZ7A, opened the meeting.

Those present: Laurie Bratten (formerly WD8BMT), Grace Carlson (KJ7IEF), Justin Carlson (KZ7A),  Ryan Cury (WY7RDC), Harry Pollak (KJ6PCW), Samantha Robason (KK7OLD), Troy Robason (K0TDR), Tom, Schnatterbeck (N7NS), John Lundberg (KG7KZK), Kathy Lundberg ,  Chris Smith (NX0E),  Susan Smith (KA7NNX), David Wang (N8BMA), Via Zoom:  Paul Caldara (K7SHR).

Everyone introduced themselves with call signs or as guests

Old Business:

Susan (KA7NNX) read minutes for April 2, 2024.
Motion made, seconded, carried to accept the minutes

Treasurer’s Report
John (KG7KZK) reported: $$$ 

New Business:

Justin (KZ7A) laid out the agenda for this meeting:
* Repeater issues
* Tailgate swap meet report
* Trail Run volunteers
* Field Day activities

Tailgate Report
Swap meet at EMIT parking lot May 5, 2024
Good social get together 

Trail Run
John Cramner in Gillette, coordinating safety net for Bighorn Mountain Run
Justin (KZ7A) will relay any volunteers from club

On issues on CPREG net
Stay on VHF, for now
Decide on other solutions later

Field Day June 22-23, 2024
Exploring options for venues and needed equipment
Discussion will continue on thread

Other Reports:

Eclipse Report
David (N8BMA) present for event near Waco, Texas
Participated in case study, analyzing radio data before, during, after eclipse

Big Horn Basin Club and CPREG
Tech meeting via Zoom, Saturday at 7:00 p.m.

Parks on the Air
Troy (K0TDR) reported on his contacts

Meeting adjourned at 7:00 pm

Respectfully submitted by

Susan KA7NNX, secretary