Area events

Events of interest to the Amateur / Electronics community of the Sheridan, Wyoming area:

Look for the CPREG Net every Wednesday night at 8:00 PM. It will be on the WY7SHR VHF club repeater:  147.855 MHz (-0.6MHz) transmit tone 100Hz.  The repeater is in a hilltop location just west of Sheridan. All licensed hams are encouraged to participate.  If you’re in the Sheridan area, please consider joining us on the CPREG net.

The next general meeting of CPREG is Tuesday, August 6, 2024, at 6:30 PM. We will meet at Perkins. You do not need to be a member to attend.

Planned Net Control Operators:
July – Whoever is there first!
August – ? 

For regional situational awareness, consider listening to the Cowboy Net on 3923.5 kHz at 6:45 PM M-F (MT). The Pony Express Net is held on the same frequency at 8:00 AM on Sunday morning. Those licensed General or higher are encouraged to participate (but anyone can listen).

Those needing help getting a station on the air should contact the club or any club officer. If you are interested in the club ask to join our email list at (Email to that address is blocked until you are a member of the list.) You may request being placed on our list even if you are not a member. Contact an officer to join, or if you have an existing account with, request joining the CPREG group.

Pictures from past events

Phorge Makerspace Antenna Build

Winter Field Day 2024

Sheridan County E-Comm Trailer Demonstration