Justin Carlson, KZ7A
Vice President
Susan Smith, KA7NNX
John Lundberg, KG7KZK
Information Manager
Grace Carlson, KJ7IEF
Net Manager
Troy Robason, K0TDR
Cloud Peak Radio & Electronics Group
Minutes of Meeting, January 07, 2025
Meeting commenced at 6.30 pm at Perkins. President Justin Carlson, KZ7A, opened the meeting.
Those present: Justin Carlson (KZ7A), Caleb Conn (WY7GUN), Corey Hamsmith (WY7HAM), John Lundberg (KG7KZK), Matt Martin (W7LQB) guest, Samantha Robason (KK7OLD), Troy Robason (K0TOR), Tom Schnatterbeck (N7NS), Steve Schilling (K7VU), Chris Smith (NX0E), Susan Smith (KA7NNX), Ron Stanker (KI7BJO), Kenneth Weens (W7JNV) guest, Aaron Whiting (KI7UPR), James and Jessica (guests). Via Zoom: Paul Caldara (K7SHR).
* Net Control
* Winter Field Day
* Tech Night
* Special license plates
Susan (KA7NNX) read the minutes of the December 7, 2024 meeting
They were approved
Treasurer report
John (KG7KZK) reported $$$ with no outstanding debts
No current problems, but discussed future plans for expanding capabilities
Later, discussed DMR capabilities, state systems at Redgrade, and ARES
Net Control:
January: Grace (KJ7IEF)/Justin (KZ7A)
February: John (KG7KZK)
Winter Field Day:
January 25-26, 2025 at the Visitor Center off Exit 23
Discussed setup times, food, gear
License Plates:
Troy (K0TDR) looking for Hams who are also Veterans who might be interested in special license plates
Open VP slot:
Call for VP volunteers
No takers
Chris (NX0E) reported on 10 meter radio contest: 13 – 15 December 2024
Tech Night
Discussed possible regular Zoom meetings on various topics
Thank you to Marge Carter (WA1VLF) for the belated Christmas party treat
2025 dues:
Next meeting:
4 February 2025
Meeting adjourned at 7:10 pm
Respectfully submitted by
Susan (KA7NNX), secretary
Cloud Peak Radio & Electronics Group
Minutes of Meeting, December 07, 2024
Meeting commenced at 6.45 pm at Prairie Dog Community Center (Christmas Party). President Justin Carlson, KZ7A, opened the meeting.
Those present: Elizabeth Carlson (guest), Grace Carlson (KJ7IEF), Justin Carlson (KZ7A), Bruce Edwards (N7QIY), Robert Garrison (WY7RG), Wesley Hartman (AI7NP), Brad Heins (KJ7JNF), Carla Heins (guest), John Lundberg (KG7KZK), Kathy Lundberg (guest), Jim Marchese (KI7MES), Nancy Marchese (guest), Jessicca Roomney ( guest), Chris Smith (NX0E), Susan Smith (KA7NNX), Nancy Stanker (KI7DTH), Ron Stanker (KI7BJO), Aaron Whiting (KI7UPR), Paul Yates (N7WHY), Marion Yates (N7MCY) Via Zoom: Marge Carter (WY7VLF).
Nominations for 2025 officers
* President: Justin Carlson (KZ7A)
* Vice President: TBD
* Treasurer: John Lundberg (KG7KZK)
* Secretary: Susan Smith (KA7NNX)
* Information Officer—Grace (KJ7IEF)
Motion made, seconded, carried for current slate of 2025 officers
10 meter radio contest next weekend: 13 – 15 December 2024
Ham tests
Robert Garrison (WY7RG) announced testing in Buffalo, December 14, 2024
John Lundberg (KG7KZK) dispersed approved gratitude gifts for repeater work
Jim Marchese (KI7MES) given thanks for securing Prairie Dog Community Center for party
2025 dues:
Next meeting:
7 January 2025
Meeting adjourned at 7:00 pm
Respectfully submitted by
Susan (KA7NNX), secretary
We, the undersigned, wishing to secure for ourselves the pleasures and benefits of an association of persons commonly interested in Amateur Radio, constitute ourselves the Cloud Peak Radio & Electronics Group of Sheridan, WY and enact this constitution as our governing law. It shall be our purpose to further the exchange of information and cooperation between members, to promote radio knowledge, fraternalism and individual operating efficiency, and to so conduct club programs and activities as to advance the general interest and welfare of Amateur Radio in the community.
Article I
All persons interested in Amateur Radio communications shall be eligible for membership. Members holding an amateur radio license valid in the United States shall be considered Full members. All other members shall be considered Associate members. Membership shall be by application upon such terms as the club shall provide in its By-Laws. Membership may not be denied because of race, creed, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, political affiliation, marital status, or any other reason that would be biased or prejudicial. Membership terminates 30 days after failure to satisfy dues and assessment levies.
Article II
Section. 1. Offices
The officers of this club shall be President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Information Manager.
Section. 2. Election
The officers of this club shall be elected for a term of one year by the eligible voting members present at the last meeting of the year.
Section 3. Eligibility
To hold an office an individual must be a member in good standing for at least one year, hold a valid Amateur Radio license, and be at least 17 years old.
Article III
Duties of Officers:
Section. 1. President
The President shall preside at all meetings and conduct them according to the rules adopted. He/she shall enforce due observance of this Constitution and By-Laws; decide all questions of order and sign all official documents adopted by the club.
Section. 2. Vice President
The Vice-President shall assume all the duties of the President in his/her absence.
Section. 3. Secretary
The Secretary shall keep a record of the proceedings of all meetings, keep a roll of members, submit membership applications, carry on all correspondence, and read communications at each meeting.
Section. 4. Treasurer
The Treasurer shall receive and receipt for all monies paid to the club; keep an accurate account of all monies received and expended; pay no bills without proper authorization of voting members, the president, or vice-president. Authorization by the President or Vice-President shall be reported to the voting members at a regularly scheduled meeting for ratification.
Section 5. Information Manager
The information manager shall be responsible for the maintenance of club records outside meeting minutes for the use of club members. Items requiring maintenance can include club web page, newsletter, or any social media platform.
Article IV
The By-Laws shall provide for regular and special meetings. At meetings, a minimum of one-fourth of the entire membership shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. The meetings shall be held in good order, and if controversies arise, Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern proceedings. Decisions are to be made by a simple majority of the member present as authorized in the By-Laws, except in the case of the removal of officers, amendments to the Constitution or By-Laws, dissolution of the club, or the levying of assessments on the membership which requires a two-thirds majority of the entire membership having authority to vote on said items.
Article V
The club shall levy upon the general membership dues necessary for the business of the organization.
Article VI
Club Call sign:
The club may elect to apply for a club call sign as provided by FCC rules Part 97.17.b.2. The voting members shall elect trusteeship of the club call sign as required.
The trustee shall:
Meet FCC requirements.
Not had his/her Radio Amateur licensed revoked or sanctioned at any time.
Article VII
Dissolution of The Club:
Disposition of Assets
The Officers of the club shall handle the disbursement of all assets of the club. No member or group of members shall receive benefit from the assets. All equipment will be sold, and net proceeds donated to Wyoming section of the ARRL, ARRL, or other appropriate organization satisfying Internal Revenue Service section 501(c)(3).
1. Membership
Applications for membership shall be submitted at regular meetings to the Secretary. Full and Associate members have authority to vote on any business presented to the club except, only Full members are authorized to vote on the election or removal of officers or amendments to the Constitution or By-Laws.
2. Meetings
Regular meetings shall be held on the first Tuesday of each calendar month. Special meetings, where time is of the essence, may be called by the President upon the written request of three club members. Notices shall be sent to members concerning special meetings and the business to be transacted by US Mail or by email (reading receipt requested). Such notices shall be sent so that they arrive not less than 24 hours before the meeting. Only such business as designated shall be transacted at a special meeting.
3. Dues Fees and Assessments
Annual dues are hereby assessed in accordance with the provisions of Article V of the constitution for the purpose of providing funds for expenses. Membership dues are payable in January of each year at a rate of $20.00 per member or $30.00 per family. Termination of membership either by resignation or expulsion will not constitute a refund of dues paid.
4. Standing committee
Such committees as a majority of the club membership feel are useful to club operations shall consist of two or more members. The committees shall consider the matters referred to them and report their results to the club. Committees for club activities such as Field Day, public demonstrations of amateur radio, technical presentations, and parties, as well as other matters of concern to the club may be formed.
5. Maintenance of Club Assets
CPREG officers are responsible for keeping an inventory of CPREG assets (equipment/location), and membership is responsible for servicing and maintaining CPREG assets. If an asset improvement, maintenance, or repair need is identified, a project request will be made to CPREG President / Vice president and presented as new business. The membership shall form a standing committee, in accordance to section 4, to consider the matter(s) referred to them and report a plan to the club. The eligible voters will approve/reject the plan prior to any project initiation. The committee shall report to the membership on the project status at the next regularly scheduled meeting.